
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Showcase Thursday May 20th

Every Thursday of our weekly blog we present a showcase. The showcase is of a particular someone or company that is playing an active part in the world of art, fashion, and all around creativity. We hope that this segment of our blog serves as a platform for some of the people and businesses we find interesting.

We want to show off people who are making lasting footprints in our fascinating little world.

On this particular Thursday I wanted to showcase something fun and exciting and fantastic for this summer. This showcase is very near and dear to my heart, and I know it is truly something special to so many others as well. I wanted to show off this new fantastic thing to all of our Artsy readers. It has been all the rage over the last couple of years and is now ready for all. Without further ado, let me introduce you all to none other than The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure theme park in Orlando, FL.

I heard about the theme park about a year ago, not long after I finished reading the epic tale of Harry Potter by JK Rowling. Marmie gave me the Harry Potter series in a Hogwarts trunk last Christmas and my life was never the same. I never thought I could love a book as much as my favorite of all time, Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, but this series is right beside it, literally taking my breath away. I laughed, I cried, I fell in love. From the time I read the first page of The Sorcerers Stone until I read the last page of The Deathly Hallows, I was completely captivated. It is the perfect tragedy.

You will find it hard to believe, but I was a late bloomer to Potty (nickname for the series that my bestie, Micki, and I created.) I had seen the first movie in theaters years ago but none of the others. It wasn't until I finished reading the entire series that I had to rent every movie and watch them back to back. I even went to a midnight showing of The Half-Blood Prince and saw it twice more while it was in theaters. Simply stated, I LOVE POTTER! So for me, this new park is something really really special and it is literally like waiting for Christmas morning awaiting the time when I get to visit.

Over the past year, the buzz has steadily increased as Universal Studios has picked up the pace with their advertising campaigns for the new addition to Islands of Adventure. In the beginning, it was hard to gather much information regarding the opening date and details of the park. Now, we have an official opening day of June 18, 2010. The theme park is literally bringing to life the world of Harry Potter. It is going to be a fantastic place where fans can visit places and experience scenes from the books and films. You can even send letter or postcard from the Owl Post with a Hogsmeade postmark! Just like it was sent from Hogwarts! Visitors will surely take home with them many exciting and magical experiences.
There will be rides, dining, and plenty of shopping.

The rides are as follows:

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey

Dragon Challenge

Flight Of the Hippogriff

There will be dining at the

Three Broomsticks

Shopping will be available at the following:

Dervish and Banges

Filch's Emporium of Confiscated Goods



Owl Post


To see more PLEASE visit the following link to find out all that awaits you at

I hope you all get a chance to visit!!!

"Looking good, Billy Ray!

Feeling good, Louis!"

peace out,


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